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 About Us was created in 2019 because my lovely, fantastic wife had a list of about 1,405,305 things for me to do around the house.


Don't get me wrong - they all had to be done....but I just didn't have the time (or the desire to overpay someone)


So I created, where each provider is inspected and accredited for service, pricing, and professionalism. Since we are pooling our business together, many providers offer an additional discount on their services.


Providers like to be listed here because of the volume of business they find through this site.


Rest assured when finding a provider on you have a tremendous amount of power - if a provider has been deemed to violate our terms of service, they are immediately removed from this directory.


Please let us know how we can continue to improve. 


Let us all make our families happier and bring shalom bayit.



  • Why did you make ShulHoneyDo?
    Being a jew in the NY area is busy! We have a lot to do (and our wives make sure we know this!) So we created ShulHoneyDo, with KNOWN providers that do good work - at an honest price. And since we made this shidduch, if they can make a small donation along the way - EVEN BETTER!
  • Which shuls are receiving the donations?
    Each customer may choose which shul gets a donation. This is between the provider and the customer. By listing on a provider may agree to provide a donation. Each provider specifies this on their provider page. If a provider neglects to provide a previously promised contribution, please email us at
  • What if my shul never gets the donation?
    Each provider specifies their potential contribution on their provider page. If a provider neglects to provide a previously promised contribution, please email us at
  • The BIG QUESTION: do I get a discount?
    By listing on a provider may agree to provide a discount. Each provider specifies this on their provider page.However, pricing and discounts are between the provider and the customer. If a provider neglects to provide a previously promised discount, please email us at
  • Why did you make ShulHoneyDo?
    Being a jew in the NY area is busy! We have a lot to do (and our wives make sure we know this!) So we created ShulHoneyDo, with KNOWN and CERTIFIED providers that do good work - at an honest price (and sometimes a discount!) And since we made this shidduch, just pass along this site to your family & friends!
  • How do I know I can trust the provider?
    ShulHoneyDo wants you to complete items on your honeydo list...not add to it. We have tried our best to approve these providers by: 1) personally having several meetings with them before allowing them to join 2) speaking to previous customers that have used the vendor 3) monitor vendor performance throughout the year
  • Which shuls are receiving the donations?
    Each customer may choose which shul gets a donation. This is between the provider and the customer. By listing on a provider may agree to provide a donation. Each provider specifies this on their provider page. If a provider neglects to provide a previously promised contribution, please email us at
  • What if my shul never gets the donation?
    Each provider specifies their potential contribution on their provider page. If a provider neglects to provide a previously promised contribution, please email us at
  • Why did you make ShulHoneyDo?
    Being a jew in the NY area is busy! We have a lot to do (and our wives make sure we know this!) So we created ShulHoneyDo, with KNOWN providers that do good work - at an honest price. And since we made this shidduch, if they can make a small donation along the way - EVEN BETTER!
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